مواقع تأمينية اجنبية
مواقع تأمينية اجنبية
Website Name
WebSite URL |
international social security association | www.issanet.issa.int |
international social security association | www.issa.nt |
international social security association | www-issanet.issa.int/update |
international social security association | www.issa.int/observer |
international social security association | www.issa.int/review |
health insurance institute | www.isksh.com.al |
social insurance institute | www.issh.gov.al |
national fund of unemployement insurance | www.cnac.dz |
National social security fund for non-slaried worker | www.casnos.com.dz |
national social insurance fund for emplyees | www.cnas.org.dz |
national fund for paid leave and weather-related lay-off in construction,public worker and hydraulics industries | www.cacobatph.com |
national retirement fund | www.cnr.dz |
andorra social security fund | www.cass.ad |
anguilla social security board | www.ssbai.com |
antigua and barbuda social security board | www.socialsecurity.gov.ag |
mutual association for the protection of family | www.ampf.org.ar |
secretriat for socail security | www.nacion-afjp.com.ar |
secretriat for socail security | www.seguridsocial.gov.ar |
State social security service | www.sif.am |
social insurance bank | www.svbaruba.org |
Department of families community services and indigenous affairs | www.fahcsia.gov.au |
fedral minister of labour ,social Affairs and Consumer Protection | www.bmask.gv.at |
ferdation of austrian social insurance institutions | www.sozialversicherung.at |
State social protection fund | www.sspf.gov.az |
The National Insurance Board | www.nib-bahamas.com |
socail insurance Organization | www.gosi.org.bh |
socail insurance Office | www.nis.gov.bb |
social protection Fund | www.ssf.gov.by |
Cassie auxikiaire de paiement allocations de chomage | www.capac.fgovbe |
employement accidents fund | www.socialsecurity.gov.ag |
national sickness and invalidty insurance institute | www.inami.be |
national social insurance institute for self-employed persons | www.inasti.be |
overseas social security office | www.ossom.fgov.be |
National office for emplyees family allowances | www.onafts.be |
National Employement office | www.onem.be |
National social security office for local and provincial administrations | www.onssapl.fgov.be |
National Office For Pensions | www.onprvp.fgov.be |
Fedral public service for social security | www.socialsecurity.fgov.be |
Bleize social security Board | www.socialsecurity.org.bz |
Department of social insurance | www.socialinsurance.gov.bm |
National pension & provident fund | www.nppf.org.bt |
institute nacional do sequro social | www.inss.gov.br |
social security board | www.bvissb.vg |
National Social Security institute | www.nssi.bg |
Caisse nationale de securite sociale | www.cnss.bf |
Caisse nationale de prevoyance sociale | www.cnps.cm |
comission de la sante st la secrite du travail du quebec | www.csst.qc.ca |
human resources and skills development canada | www.hrsdc.gc.ca |
the quebec pensions board | www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca |
minstre of human resources and social security | www.mohrss.gov.cn |
caja colombiana de subsidio familiar | www.colsubsidio.com |
familyallowance fund | www.compensar |
institute national de securite sociale | www.compensar.com |
social insurance fund of costa rica | www.ccss.sa.cr |
institution de provoyance sociale – caissa nationale de provoyance sociale | www.cnps.ci |
general mutual benefit fund for civil servants and state employees of core d ivoire | www.mugef-ci.com |
ministry of labour and social insurance | www.mlsi.gov.cy/sid |
Czech social security administrations | www.cssz.cz |
ministry of labour and social Affairs | www.mpsv.cz |
labour market supplementary pensions institute | www.atp.dlk |
national board of industrial injuries | www.ask.dlk |
social protection organization | www.ops.dj |
Ecuadorain social security institute | www.iess.gov.ec |
Estonain national social insurance board | www.ensib.ee |
fiji national provident fund | www.fnpf.com.fj |
finish center for pensions | www.etk.fi |
social insurance institution | www.kela |
local government pensions institution | www.keva.fi |
farmers social insurance institution | www.mela.fi |
seafarer pension fund | www.merimeselakekassa.fi |
fedrations of accident insurance institutions | www.tvl.fi |
fedrations of unemloyement insurance fund s | www.tyj.fi |
unemloyement insurance funds | www.tvr.fi |
centeral agency of social security bodies | www.acoss.fr |
employees complementary retirement scheme association | www.agirc-arrco.fr |
autonomous national socail security fund for mineworkers | www.retraiteitedesmines.fr |
general fund of social agrecultural mutual benefit societies | www.msa.fr |
fund for french nationals abroad | www.cfe.fr |
national old-age insurance fund for liberal professions | www.cnavpl.fr |
National old-age insurance fund for employees | www.cnav.fr |
national sickness insurance fund for employees | www.ameli.fr |
national pensions fund for employees of local administrations | www.cnracl.fr |
national family allowance fund | www.cnaf.fr |
technecal center of social insurance institutions | www.ctip.asso.fr |
national disabled seafarers institutions | www.mer.gouv.fr |
national federations of french muual benefit societies | www.mutualite.fr |
complementary retirement pensions institution for unestablished state emplyees and employees of public adminstrations | www.ircantes.fr |
mutual benefit fund for civil servants – services | www.mfpservices.fr |
general mutual benefit society for employees in national educations | www.mgen.fr |
the joint organizations of pensions and social insurance institutions | www.ocirp.fr |
insurance scheme for the self-employed | www.le-rsi.fr |
national occupational union for employeement in industry and commerce | www.unedic.fr |
social security and housing finance corporation | www.sshfc.gm |
National Federation Of Local Sickness Fund | www.aok.de |
national federation of enterprise sickness Fund | www.bkk.de |
german social accident insurance | www.dguv.de |
german federal pension insurance | www.deutsche-rentenvrsicherung.de |
sicknes fund for miners | www.kbs.de |
head association of agricultural social insurance | www.lsv.de |
association of substitute health fund | www.vdek.com |
social security and national insurance | www.ssnit.com |
manpower Employement Organization | www.oaed.gr |
social insurance institute-unified insurance fund for employees | www.ika.gr |
national insurance scheme | www.nisgrenada.org |
social security institute of Guatemate | www.igssgt.org |
social security department | www.gov.gg |
National Social security fund | www..cnss.org.gn |
National Health Insurance fund | www.oep.hu |
General administration of the national pension insurance | www.onyf.hu |
the state social security institute | www.tr.is |
Coal mines provident fund | www.cmpfo.org |
Employess State insurance corporation | www.esic.nic.in |
Employees social security system | www.h.jamsostek.co.id |
health insurance for government employees | www.pt.askes.com |
civil servants pension fund | www.cspf.ir |
employes pension and walefare fund of the Iranian oil industry | www.bazneshaste.com |
Medical service insurance organization | www.msio.org.ir |
social security Organization | www.tamin.org.ir |
department of health and social security | www.welfare.ie |
National Insurance institute | www.gov.im/dhss |
National insurance and assistance for performance and sports | www.btl.gov.it |
National insurance and assistance for performance and sports | www.enpals.it |
insurance institute for the maritime sector | www.ipesema.it |
national social insurance institute | www.inps.it |
national insurance institute for employess of the public administartion | www.inpdap.it |
national employement accident insurance institute | www.inail.it |
post and telecommunaication institute | www.ipost.it |
ministry of labour and social security | www.kokuho.or.jp |
all japan federation of national health insurance organizations | www.kyoukaikenpo.or.jp |
japan health insurance association | www.mhlw.go.jp |
ministry of health mlabour and walfare | www.kenporen.com |
national pension fund association | www.npfa.or.jp |
social insurance agency | www.sia.go.jp |
socail security department | www.gov.je |
socail asecurity corporation | www.ssc.gov.jo |
local authorization pension trust | www.laptrust.or.ke |
korea worker’s compensation & walfare service | www.kcomwel.or.kr |
national health insurance corporation | www.nhic.or.kr |
national pension service | www.nps.or.kr |
the public institution for social security | www.pifss.gov.kw |
socail fund of the republic of kyrgyzstan | www.sf.kg |
state social insurance agency | www.vsaa |
state social insurance fund board of the republic of lathuania under the ministry of social security and labour | www.sodra.lt |
pension and disability insurance fund of macedonia | www.piom.com.mk |
national social insurance fund | www.cnaps.mg |
employees provident fund | www.kwsp.gov.my |
socail security organization | www.perkeso.gov.my |
pension fund of mali | www.crmmali.org |
national social insurance institute | www.mfss.gov.mt |
ministry for the family and social solidarity | www.cnam.mr |
National social security fund | www.membres.lycos.frcnss222 |
ministry of social security national solidarity & senior citizen welfare and reform institutions | www.socialsecurity.gov.mu |
state employess social security and social services institute | www.issste.gob.mx |
mexican social security institute | www.imss.gob.mx |
national office of social insyrance | www.cnas.md |
pensions fund of morroco | www.cmr.gov.ma |
national social security fund | www.cnss.ma |
collective scheme for retirement allowances | www.rcar.ma |
health care insurance boards | www.cvz.nl |
social insurance bank | www.svb.nl |
institute for employees benefit scheme | www.uwv.nl |
general pension fund of the netherlands antilles | www.apna.an |
social insurance bank | www.svbna.an |
ministry of social development | www.msd.govt.nz |
nicarageuan social security institute | www.inss.gob.ni |
nigeria social insurance trust fund | www.nsitf.net |
directorate of labour and welfare | www.nav.nav.no |
public authority for social insurance | www.taminat.gov.om |
employees old-age benefits institution | www.eobi.gov.pk |
ministry of labour manpower and overseas pakistanis | www.pakistan.gov.pk |
insurance and pension general corporation | www.css.org.pa |
social insurance fund of costa rica | www.derrama.org.pe |
derrama magisterial | www.essalud.gob.pe |
government service insurance system | www.gsis.gov.ph |
social security system | www.sss.gov.ph |
agerculural social security fund | www.krus.gov.pl |
social insurance institution | www.zus.pl |
general directorate for social security | www.seg-social |
minsistry of health and social development | www.mzsrrf.ru |
pension fund of the russian federation | www.pfrf.ru |
social insurance fund of the russain federation | www.fss.ru |
social security fund of Rwanda | www.csr.gov.rw |
the rwanadaise health care insurance | www.rama.gov.rw |
social security boards | www.socialscurity.kn |
national insurnace corporation | www.stlucianis.org |
national insurance serveices | www.nissvg.org |
accident compensation corporation | www.gosi.gov.sa |
public pension agency | www.pension.gov.sa |
social security fund | www.secusociale.sn |
social insurance for old-age pensions in senegal | www.ipres.sn |
seyhelles pension fund | www.pensionfund.sc |
national social security and insurance trust | www.nassitsl.org |
social insurance agency | www.socpisst.sk |
institute for pension and disablity insurance of slovenia | www.zpiz.si |
health insurance institute of slovenia | www.zzzs.si |
department of social development | www.welfare.gov.za |
federation of admnistrative bodies of spanish social security | www.seg-social.es |
national health insurance fund | www.nhif.gov.sd |
public service pensions fund | www.pspf.co.sz |
www.snpf.co.sx | |
afa insurance | www.afaforsakring.se |
federation of unemploreement insurance fund | www.samorg.org |
swedish social insurance agency | www.forsakringskassan.se |
federal social insurance fund | www.ofas.admin.ch |
inter-enterprise occupational insurance fund | www.ciepp.ch |
suva (swosh national accident insurance fund) | www.suva.ch |
national health insurance fund (NHIF) | www.nhif.or.tz |
national social security fund | www.nssf.or.tz |
parastatal pensions fund(PPF) | www.ppftz.org |
public service pension fund | www.pspf-tz.org |
social security office | www.sso.go.th |
national unsurance boars | www.nibtt.co.tt |
national pensions and social insurance fund | www.cnrps.nat.th |
national social security fund | www.cnss.nat.tn |
social security institution | www.sgk.gov.tr |
turks and caicos island national insurance boards | www.nib.tc |
national social security fund | www.nssfug.org |
abu dhabi tretiremenet pensions and benefits | www.pension.gov.ae |
general pension and social security authority | www.gpssa.ae |
department for social development | www.dsdni.gov.uk |
social security administration | www.ssa.gov |
social insurance bank | www.bps.gub.uy |
republica AFAP S.A | www.rafap.com.ut |
general corporation for social security | www.gcssye.org |
mukaba pension trustees limited | www.mukuba.com.zm |
national pension scheme autority | www.napsa.co.zm |
zambia workers’ compensation fund control board | www.workers.com.zm |
national social security authority(NSSA) | www.nssa.org.zw |
social fund for commercial travllers of the republic of argentina | www.redsocialfuva.org.ar |
social fund for agriculturalemployees and dockers of the republic of argentina | www.osprera.org.ar |
superintenendency of retirement and pension fund administrators | www.safjp.gov.ar |
superintenendency of occupational risks | www.srt.gov.ar |
University for social studies | www.umsa.edu.ar |
social security bank "carrefour" | www.ksz-bcss.fgov.be |
national office social security | www.onssrszlss.fgov.be |
national office for annaul holidays | www.onva-rjv.fgov.be |
brussels regional employment office | www.actiris.be |
the larg dupart of figueriredo foundation for occupational safety and health | www.fundacentro.gov.br |
ministry of social insurance | www.previdenciasocial.gov.br |
canada pension plan investemet board | www.cppib.ca |
office of the chief actuary ,office of the superintendent of financial institution | www.osfi-gc.ca |
chilean safety association | www.achs.cl |
social security research, study and development corporation | www.ciedess.cl |
superintendency of social security | www.suseso.cl |
china health insurance research association(CHIRA) | www.chira.org.cn |
china social insurance association | www.csir.org.cn |
occupational safety and heath council | www.oshc.org.hk |
state administration of work safety | www.chinasfety.gov.cn |
centeral registery of insured persons | www.regos.hr |
national social appeals boards | www.dsa.dk |
the danish national institute of social research | www.sfi.dk |
mnistry of social welfare | www.social.dk |
government sector insurance fund | www.niosh.gov.eg |
national institute of occupational safety and health | www.stm.fi |
european and international social security liason center | www.cleiss.fr |
social security directorate | wwwsante.gouv.fr |