مواقع تأمينية اجنبية

مواقع تأمينية اجنبية

Website Name
WebSite URL
international social security association www.issanet.issa.int
international social security association www.issa.nt
international social security association www-issanet.issa.int/update
international social security association www.issa.int/observer
international social security association www.issa.int/review
health insurance institute www.isksh.com.al
social insurance institute www.issh.gov.al
national fund of unemployement insurance www.cnac.dz
National social security fund for non-slaried worker www.casnos.com.dz
national social insurance fund for emplyees www.cnas.org.dz
national fund for paid leave and weather-related lay-off in construction,public worker and hydraulics industries www.cacobatph.com
national retirement fund www.cnr.dz
andorra social security fund www.cass.ad
anguilla social security board www.ssbai.com
antigua and barbuda social security board www.socialsecurity.gov.ag
mutual association for the protection of family www.ampf.org.ar
secretriat for socail security www.nacion-afjp.com.ar
secretriat for socail security www.seguridsocial.gov.ar
State social security service www.sif.am
social insurance bank www.svbaruba.org
Department of families community services and indigenous affairs www.fahcsia.gov.au
fedral minister of labour ,social Affairs and Consumer Protection www.bmask.gv.at
ferdation of austrian social insurance institutions www.sozialversicherung.at
State social  protection fund www.sspf.gov.az
The National Insurance Board www.nib-bahamas.com
socail insurance Organization www.gosi.org.bh
socail insurance Office www.nis.gov.bb
social protection Fund www.ssf.gov.by
Cassie auxikiaire de paiement allocations de chomage www.capac.fgovbe
employement accidents fund www.socialsecurity.gov.ag
national sickness and invalidty insurance institute  www.inami.be
national social insurance institute for self-employed persons www.inasti.be
overseas social security office www.ossom.fgov.be
National office for emplyees family allowances www.onafts.be
National Employement office www.onem.be
National social security office for local and provincial administrations www.onssapl.fgov.be
National Office For Pensions www.onprvp.fgov.be
Fedral public service for social security www.socialsecurity.fgov.be
Bleize social security Board www.socialsecurity.org.bz
Department of social insurance www.socialinsurance.gov.bm
National pension & provident fund www.nppf.org.bt
institute nacional do sequro social  www.inss.gov.br
social security board www.bvissb.vg
National Social Security institute  www.nssi.bg
Caisse nationale de securite sociale www.cnss.bf
Caisse nationale de prevoyance sociale www.cnps.cm
comission de la sante st la secrite du travail du quebec www.csst.qc.ca
human resources and skills development canada www.hrsdc.gc.ca
the quebec pensions board www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca
minstre of human resources and social security www.mohrss.gov.cn
caja colombiana de subsidio familiar  www.colsubsidio.com
familyallowance fund www.compensar
institute national de securite sociale www.compensar.com
social insurance fund of costa rica www.ccss.sa.cr
institution de provoyance sociale – caissa nationale de provoyance sociale www.cnps.ci
general mutual benefit fund for civil servants and state employees of core d ivoire www.mugef-ci.com
ministry of labour and social insurance www.mlsi.gov.cy/sid
Czech social security administrations www.cssz.cz
ministry of labour and social Affairs www.mpsv.cz
labour market supplementary pensions institute www.atp.dlk
national board of industrial injuries www.ask.dlk
social protection organization www.ops.dj
Ecuadorain social security institute www.iess.gov.ec
Estonain national social insurance board www.ensib.ee
fiji national provident fund www.fnpf.com.fj
finish center for pensions www.etk.fi
social insurance institution www.kela
local government pensions institution www.keva.fi
farmers social insurance institution www.mela.fi
seafarer pension fund www.merimeselakekassa.fi
fedrations of accident insurance institutions www.tvl.fi
fedrations of unemloyement insurance fund s www.tyj.fi
unemloyement insurance funds www.tvr.fi
centeral agency of social security bodies www.acoss.fr
employees complementary retirement scheme association www.agirc-arrco.fr
autonomous national socail security fund for mineworkers www.retraiteitedesmines.fr
general fund of social agrecultural mutual benefit societies www.msa.fr
fund for french nationals abroad www.cfe.fr
national old-age insurance fund for liberal professions www.cnavpl.fr
National old-age insurance fund for employees www.cnav.fr
national sickness insurance fund for employees www.ameli.fr
national pensions fund for employees of local administrations www.cnracl.fr
national family allowance fund www.cnaf.fr
technecal center of social insurance institutions www.ctip.asso.fr
national disabled seafarers institutions www.mer.gouv.fr
national federations of french muual benefit societies www.mutualite.fr
complementary retirement pensions institution for unestablished state emplyees and employees of public adminstrations www.ircantes.fr
mutual benefit fund for civil servants – services www.mfpservices.fr
general mutual benefit society for employees in national educations www.mgen.fr
the joint organizations of pensions and social insurance institutions www.ocirp.fr
insurance scheme for the self-employed www.le-rsi.fr
national occupational union for employeement in industry and commerce www.unedic.fr
social security and housing finance corporation www.sshfc.gm
National Federation Of Local Sickness Fund www.aok.de
national federation of enterprise sickness Fund www.bkk.de
german social accident insurance www.dguv.de
german federal pension insurance www.deutsche-rentenvrsicherung.de
sicknes fund for miners www.kbs.de
head association of agricultural social insurance www.lsv.de
association of substitute health fund www.vdek.com
social security and national insurance www.ssnit.com
manpower Employement  Organization www.oaed.gr
social insurance institute-unified insurance fund for employees  www.ika.gr
national insurance scheme www.nisgrenada.org
social security institute of  Guatemate www.igssgt.org
social security department www.gov.gg
National Social security fund www..cnss.org.gn
National Health Insurance fund www.oep.hu
General administration of the national pension insurance www.onyf.hu
the state social security institute www.tr.is
Coal mines provident fund www.cmpfo.org
Employess State insurance corporation www.esic.nic.in
Employees social security system www.h.jamsostek.co.id
health insurance  for government employees www.pt.askes.com
civil servants pension fund www.cspf.ir
employes pension and walefare fund of the Iranian oil industry www.bazneshaste.com
Medical service insurance organization www.msio.org.ir
social security Organization www.tamin.org.ir
department of health and social security www.welfare.ie
National Insurance institute www.gov.im/dhss
National insurance and assistance for performance and sports www.btl.gov.it
National insurance and assistance for performance and sports www.enpals.it
insurance institute for the maritime sector www.ipesema.it
national social insurance institute  www.inps.it
national insurance institute for employess of the public administartion www.inpdap.it
national employement accident insurance institute www.inail.it
post and telecommunaication institute  www.ipost.it
ministry  of labour and social security www.kokuho.or.jp
all japan federation of national health insurance organizations  www.kyoukaikenpo.or.jp
japan health insurance association www.mhlw.go.jp
ministry of health mlabour and walfare www.kenporen.com
national pension fund association  www.npfa.or.jp
social insurance agency www.sia.go.jp
socail security department www.gov.je
socail asecurity corporation www.ssc.gov.jo
local authorization pension trust www.laptrust.or.ke
korea worker’s compensation & walfare service www.kcomwel.or.kr
national health insurance corporation www.nhic.or.kr
national pension service www.nps.or.kr
the public institution for social security www.pifss.gov.kw
socail fund of  the republic of kyrgyzstan www.sf.kg
state social insurance agency www.vsaa
state social insurance fund board of the republic of lathuania under the ministry of social security and labour www.sodra.lt
pension and disability insurance fund of macedonia www.piom.com.mk
national social insurance  fund www.cnaps.mg
employees provident fund www.kwsp.gov.my
socail security organization www.perkeso.gov.my
pension fund of mali www.crmmali.org
national social insurance institute www.mfss.gov.mt
ministry for the family and social solidarity www.cnam.mr
National social security fund www.membres.lycos.frcnss222
ministry of social security national solidarity & senior citizen welfare and reform institutions www.socialsecurity.gov.mu
state employess social security and social services institute www.issste.gob.mx
mexican social security institute  www.imss.gob.mx
national office of social insyrance www.cnas.md
pensions fund of morroco www.cmr.gov.ma
national social security fund www.cnss.ma
collective scheme for retirement allowances www.rcar.ma
health care insurance boards www.cvz.nl
social insurance bank www.svb.nl
institute for employees benefit scheme www.uwv.nl
general pension fund of the netherlands antilles www.apna.an
social insurance  bank www.svbna.an
ministry of social development www.msd.govt.nz
nicarageuan social security institute www.inss.gob.ni
nigeria social insurance trust fund www.nsitf.net
directorate of labour and welfare www.nav.nav.no
public authority for social insurance www.taminat.gov.om
employees old-age benefits institution www.eobi.gov.pk
ministry of labour manpower and overseas pakistanis www.pakistan.gov.pk
insurance and pension general corporation www.css.org.pa
social insurance fund of costa rica www.derrama.org.pe
derrama magisterial  www.essalud.gob.pe
government service insurance system www.gsis.gov.ph
social security system www.sss.gov.ph
agerculural social  security fund www.krus.gov.pl
social insurance institution www.zus.pl
general directorate for social security www.seg-social
minsistry of health and social development www.mzsrrf.ru
pension fund of the russian federation www.pfrf.ru
social insurance fund of the russain federation www.fss.ru
social security fund of  Rwanda www.csr.gov.rw
the rwanadaise health care insurance www.rama.gov.rw
social security boards www.socialscurity.kn
national insurnace corporation  www.stlucianis.org
national insurance serveices www.nissvg.org
accident compensation corporation www.gosi.gov.sa
public pension agency www.pension.gov.sa
social security fund www.secusociale.sn
social insurance for old-age pensions in senegal www.ipres.sn
seyhelles pension fund www.pensionfund.sc
national social security and insurance trust www.nassitsl.org
social insurance agency www.socpisst.sk
institute for pension and disablity insurance of slovenia www.zpiz.si
health insurance institute of slovenia www.zzzs.si
department of social development www.welfare.gov.za
federation of admnistrative bodies of spanish social security www.seg-social.es
national health insurance fund www.nhif.gov.sd
public service pensions fund www.pspf.co.sz
afa insurance www.afaforsakring.se
federation of unemploreement insurance fund  www.samorg.org
swedish  social insurance agency www.forsakringskassan.se
federal social insurance fund www.ofas.admin.ch
inter-enterprise occupational insurance fund www.ciepp.ch
suva (swosh national accident insurance fund) www.suva.ch
national health insurance fund (NHIF) www.nhif.or.tz
national social security fund www.nssf.or.tz
parastatal pensions fund(PPF) www.ppftz.org
public service pension fund www.pspf-tz.org
social security office www.sso.go.th
national unsurance boars www.nibtt.co.tt
national pensions and social insurance fund www.cnrps.nat.th
national social security fund www.cnss.nat.tn
social security institution www.sgk.gov.tr
turks and caicos island national insurance boards www.nib.tc
national social security fund www.nssfug.org
abu dhabi tretiremenet  pensions and benefits www.pension.gov.ae
general pension and social security authority www.gpssa.ae
department for social development www.dsdni.gov.uk
social security administration www.ssa.gov
social insurance bank www.bps.gub.uy
republica AFAP S.A www.rafap.com.ut
general corporation for social security  www.gcssye.org
mukaba pension trustees limited www.mukuba.com.zm
national pension scheme autority www.napsa.co.zm
zambia workers’ compensation fund control board www.workers.com.zm
national social security authority(NSSA) www.nssa.org.zw
social fund for commercial travllers of the republic of argentina www.redsocialfuva.org.ar
social fund for agriculturalemployees and dockers of the republic of argentina www.osprera.org.ar
superintenendency of retirement and pension fund administrators www.safjp.gov.ar
superintenendency of  occupational risks www.srt.gov.ar
University for social studies www.umsa.edu.ar
social security bank "carrefour" www.ksz-bcss.fgov.be
national office social security www.onssrszlss.fgov.be
national office for annaul holidays www.onva-rjv.fgov.be
brussels regional employment office www.actiris.be
the larg dupart of figueriredo foundation for occupational safety and health www.fundacentro.gov.br
ministry of social insurance www.previdenciasocial.gov.br
canada pension plan investemet board www.cppib.ca
office of the chief actuary ,office of the superintendent of financial institution www.osfi-gc.ca
chilean safety association www.achs.cl
social security research, study and development corporation www.ciedess.cl
superintendency of social security  www.suseso.cl
china health insurance research association(CHIRA) www.chira.org.cn
china social insurance association www.csir.org.cn
occupational safety and heath council www.oshc.org.hk
state administration of work safety  www.chinasfety.gov.cn
centeral registery of insured persons www.regos.hr
national social appeals boards www.dsa.dk
the danish national institute of social research www.sfi.dk
mnistry of social welfare  www.social.dk
government sector insurance fund www.niosh.gov.eg
national institute of occupational safety and health www.stm.fi
european and international social security liason center www.cleiss.fr
social security directorate wwwsante.gouv.fr
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