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Social Security Services Guide

For more awareness among peopling dealing with the Authority and procedures that must be followed for benefits eligibility with ease and simplicity and less cost possible. Also, to get along with the state admin. & Financial reform program that aims to reduce and fasten retirement reference procedures, the following presentation will illustrate benefits incorporated in the law no. (25) for the year 1991, for social security industry , amendments made to it, and its bylaws:

First: mortality, disability, and old age security.
Second: occupational deceases and work injury.
Third: service periods addition.
Fourth: reserves (contributions) exchange
Fifth: loans grants procedures

First: mortality, invalidity, and old age security
Pensions for maternity, invalidity, and old age
Contribution ratios:
Contribution ratios represented as follows:

Share committed by the hiring party (employer) that is 6% out of the gross salary.
Share committed by the employee that is 6% out of the gross salary.

Eligibility for pension

Upon service termination for any causes of lawful eligibility after completion period stated in law. Pension disbursed the second month after completion required data for pension settlement and a notice to employer to terminate salary disbursement.

Pension eligibility cases

secured employee and dependants are eligible for pension in the following cases:

  • If served for more than 35 years or being 60 years of age.
  • If naturally deceased or died due to an injury.
  • In case of chronic invalidity or due to an injury.

Voluntarily retirement

  • If contribution period 30 years for men and 25 years women.
  • If being 50 year of age and 25 year contributions for men.
  • If being 40 years old with 20 years contributions for females.
  • If female insured reached 55 years of age with 10 years contributions.

Other pension:

Disciplinary dismiss pension: the insured must have 25 years of contribution and issuance of such resolution against the secured.


Prison pension: the secured must have 20 years contributions and was sentenced terminally to be jailed.

Missed pension : provided that secured was announced missed and terminally sentenced deceased.

Pension settlement elements:

- Counted service period: termed contribution payment which secured has not received form service -end award , or was previously received, but secured demand consideration for such periods and paid its contributions

Pension calculation :

A part out 420 parts from gross salary deducted from contributions.

Beneficiaries eligibility terms:

If secured deceased, dependents are eligible for the pension and split among them equally:

  • Spouse.
  • Children.
  • Father and mother of the deceased provided being their life support.
  • Grandsons of the deceased father and their grandfather was their life support.

Pension split and award: pension split among survivors equally, if one survivor ceased, it is split among rest of survivors.

- Survivors eligibility revoked in the following cases:

For males:

  • Being 18 years old and not student.
  • Being 21 years old and a high school student.
  • Being 26 years old and being a university student.
  • If employed and paid regular salary with exception of disability proved by the designated Medical Committee resolution, and pension be disbursed for students conditioned by being full- time student.

For females:

  • Death.
  • Marriage.
  • If employed and receiving regular salary.
  • For a widow conditioned being his wife before or deceased's wife.

Re-disbursement of pension:

If a woman's husband died and not working , she is entitled for pension.

If a women divorced , her portion of pension paid after passing 140 days.

Pension payment mechanism: pension disbursed via post offices in order to be closed to beneficiaries, or via their account at banks in the Capital or other governorate.

Service-end award: a lump- sum paid for the secured, or for the survivors is paid in the following cases:

  • Being outlaw of all effective social security laws.
  • Secured resignation.
  • Unrevoked sentence against the secured for five years or more.

Award calculation factor:

  • 9% of gross salary subject to monthly contribution deductions for the actual service period provided not to be less than 1 complete year.

Funeral expenses:

If secured died, two months salary paid to survivors as funeral expenses.

Marriage grants:

Woman's portion of pension for one whole year if married, and after one year her portion is split among other eligible survivors.

Minimum pension

At the existing time , defined minimum pension not less than YR 7.000.

Maximum pension:

  • 100% of the gross salary excluded from contributions.

Work injury and occupational diseases security

Security contributions for work injury and occupational diseases:

- Employer 10% out of the gross salary deducted from contributions. - Injured who injured during work. Work injuries include the following:

- Injuries at work place or at an affiliated place.

- Injuries caused due to natural , chemical, or biological factors exist at work place.

- Injuries happen during going back and forth to work. Normal mortality during work is not deemed work related injury if caused by normal diseases.

Terms for work injury and occupational health diseases eligibility :

  • Causative relationship between the injury and duties performed by the secured.
  • Notification of the GASSP's branch within a week of the injury.
  • Secured or secured's family is entitled for work injury compensation a lump sum calculated according to injury assessment.

Cases of un-entitlement of benefits for work injury and occupational diseases:

  • If secured deliberately injured him/herself.
  • If injury causes came as a result of a filthy or deliberate deeds, behavior , or action for instance;
  • Injury caused under effect of drugs or alcoholic substances.
  • Injuries caused due to breaching health and occupational safety instruction.
  • Injured postponement to seeing a doctor for more than half month.
  • Not abiding by doctor's instructions.

Procedures must be taken by secured if injured as follows:

  • To inform employment work entity , or the GASSP, or police station of any work injury.
  • To keep a copy of the medical treatment taken and be referred to the hiring entity first by first so as to proceed with procedures.

    Procedures must be taken by hiring entity :

  • To provide first aid for injured secured.
  • To immediately transfer injured to appropriate health care center.
  • To investigate injury with involvement of the Health and Occupational Safety Committee in the hiring body indicating injury circumstances in details proving witnesses' and injured's statements specifying if injury happened due to filthy deeds or unacceptable behavior, and dispatching a copy to the GASSP within a week maximum.
  • Police notification of all death incidents or work injuries leading to work disability or an incident punishable according to the effective laws within a week of the incident. The police has to verify incident's details, and prove secured's statement indicating if injury caused by intended or filthy deeds, or if inciedent accountability lies on someone else.
  • To notify the GASSP within a week of the incident and dispatch an accredited copy of the report.



  • The hiring body has to make a record of work injuries, its details, circumstances, and compensations so as to make all procedures necessary to eliminate danger resulting in work injury.

Necessary documents for work injury:

  • Injury notification issued by the hiring entity or the secured within a week.
  • Investigation minutes and secured with notification of the GASSP or the hiring entity indicating all incident details.
  • Medical Committee report and its circumstances.

Third : service-end addition

Concept: periods secured served at governmental body or mix sector and paid contributions for.

Period counted as actual service period:-

  • Earlier periods paid for service-end award.
  • Earlier periods spent abroad ; scholarships, delegations at an Arabic or at an international organization or an affiliated organization, or illegal work suspension ,or obligatory service during employment.

Additional procedures roles:

  • Secured has to make a written request of earlier service enclosed document prove earlier period requested addition. These documents are:
  • Fixed data in Civil Servant Record or retirement file.
  • If appointment day, month, is not known, appointment data deemed to 31december.
  • Re- demand of earlier service period after retirement reference is not allowed in any case or under any circumstances.

Deemed earlier service period addition :

  • Deemed earlier service must not exceed five years.

Calculation and payment of service periods added procedures

Either earlier or deemed service period before due salary at the date of addition application multiplied by contribution rate of the period and accredit of remittance by the GASSP. In case remittance was not made at date specified and wage changed, calculation will be based on the last wage. In general earlier service period added is not considered upon pension settlement if payment is not according to GASSP calculation.

Period can't be added

  • Absence without official vacation from the hiring body.
  • Work suspension period leading to deprivation of salary if suspended legally.
  • Being away from work either abroad or in Yemen and secured cannot pay contributions.
  • Service period more than 35 years.

Fourth: reserves exchange:

One of privileges of social security law is reserve exchange among military and police retirement funds , or if secured working in governmental body or mix sector or the private sector and transferred to another work entity or sector or vice versa to ensue service period calculation to be added to the new work sector or entity. The process goes as follows:

  • Accrual contribution for death, disability , or old age exchanged among police, military, public sector, or the private sector for earlier service period(s) be transferred to the other fund.
  • Earlier service period must be fixed paid for contribution from entities subject to the effective social security laws and not service-end award was disbursed.

- Necessary communications in this regard be made and include all job- related data stamped from the entity (earlier employer) from date of appointment to date of transference. Fifth: debt procedures GASSP debts for five years installments 25% out of salary for the following cases: - Debt applicant sickness or a dependent member of the family direly need medical treatment abroad or for long time in light of a resolution to be issued by the Supreme Medical Committee. - To build or repair a resident or if any natural disasters took place . - Debt applicant marriage or successor. Debt fees: 30% out of the total balance of each year of the five years pain in advance that is equal 1.8%. debt applicant is not allowed to apply again for debt but only after repayment of the debt and debt request terms met.

The Social Security and Pensions Authority commemorates the Prophet’s birthday



The Prime Minister participates in the activity of the Ministry of Civil Service in the Martyr's Anniversary



In your Opinion, Have GASSP Services Improved Since Oct 2009





In your Opinion, Have GASSP Services Improved Since Oct 2009

  • Yes : 40 %

  • No : 30 %

  • Somehow : 30 %